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Set for creative work "REX and friends" (rus) (71506)

SKU: 71506
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Product description
Adventures with funny dinosaurs begin! A fascinating process - creating toys with your own hands, will give the child pleasure and will provide an opportunity to show imagination and creativity. Cute little animals with a variety of looks - all this the baby can create with the help of the REX and friends set (Strateg 71506). Bright instructions will help you sculpt funny figures with the help of special sculpting tools and various molds. A child can come up with any figure or composition - all you need is a fantasy! And then you can play many game scenarios with the participation of heroes - for this there is a mountain with a cave in the set. The mass for modeling is very plastic, different colors are easily mixed, it does not stain hands and can take any shape. Has bright colors and is absolutely safe. Mass composition: water, filler, dye. Russian language. Age: 5+Material: dough, plastic; Set: 4 packs with dough, 8 sticks with dough, knife, scissors, rocking chair, 2 containers, 2 figures, 6 molds, accessory (volcanic mountain), instruction; Package size : 42 x 33 x 17 cm.
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