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Set for creativity for boys "Funny legs" (rus.) (30708)

SKU: 30708
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Product description

Investigation of mysterious cases, search for intruders is an occupation for a brave and smart detective. The Fanny Legs (for boys) set (Strateg 30708) will help your little one build a 3D police station with an investigator's office. And, of course, with the main character - a detective! The figure of a policeman can be molded from a special mass for modeling. There are no restrictions in creativity - the main thing is fantasy! The finished figure can be decorated in various ways - for this, the set includes ball plasticine and eyes. The mass for modeling is very plastic, different colors are easily mixed, it does not stain hands and can take any shape. Has bright colors and is absolutely safe. And the main feature - the set has a special base - legs, with which the figure can move. A special sculptural knife is provided for working with plastic mass. The box when unfolded is a three-dimensional playing field. Age: 3+ Material: plastic, plasticine; Set: mass for modeling (3 colors), ball plasticine, stack, base, accessories, instructions; Package size: 17 x 10.5 x 5 cm.

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