Set "Little Genius. Vegetables" from Strateg (30302) will appeal to your child. With this game, he will learn about most vegetables and their beneficial properties and will be excited to play with you. The game helps kids develop logical thinking, perseverance, and visual memory. Playfully, the child will remember the existing types of vegetables, understand their main differences and remember the spelling. Many scientists have proven that visualizing objects is much easier to remember them. The set includes 20 cards with images of different vegetables.
♦ Age: from 1 year;
♦ Box size: 28x19.5x3 cm;
♦ Material: cardboard;
♦ Complete set: 20 cards.
Language: Ukrainian.
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Відмінна пізнавальна настілка для малюків. Вивчаю з її допомогою з донькою назви та властивості овочів, може виросте і допомагатиме мені на кухні та на городі. Та й загалом для розвитку пам'яті корисно.