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Board game Strateg The time of legends entertaining in English (30266)

SKU: 30266
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Product description

The exciting world of Norse mythology, powerful gods, and fabulous creatures await in the board game "The Time of Legends" Strateg (30266). It will captivate the whole family, help develop attentiveness and give new knowledge about the myths of Scandinavia.

This is an intellectual game in which you need to answer questions correctly and earn crystals for it. At the beginning of the game, each participant chooses a token with a hero, which determines his capabilities in the gameplay. Whoever correctly answers the question asked by the presenter has the opportunity to move the chip forward and earn crystals. But be careful, because the treacherous Helga and other characters will get in the way of victory. There is no time limit to answer the questions, but the hourglass counts down the time to solve the anagrams! Collect the most crystals to win.

♦ Age: 12+

♦ Set: cards, chips, playing field, tokens, cube, hourglass, instructions.

♦ Number of participants: 3-6

The game requires a presenter.

Language: English.

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Решила учить с ребёнком английский язык через игры. Искала несложную настолку, чтобы и интересно было, и понятно, и консультант посоветовала вот эту. А малый мой как раз любит фентези, так что подошло идеально. Играем и учимся. Ещё и игра такая красивая, оформлена сказочно.

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
Email is mandatory!
The phone must be filled in! You need to enter at least 10 digits!
The text for the answer is mandatory!
Complete set
72 cards, 5 chips, playing field, 6 tokens, cube, hourglass, instructions
Game time
Number of players
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