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Board game Strateg Scrabble word game in Russian (635)

SKU: 635
$21 $16
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Product description

Do you like to play with words and develop together with your friends? Then "Scrabble" Strateg (635) is your option!

In the game, you have to assemble wooden blocks into words, filling the cells with the highest number of points. But at least one part of the new word must be connected with others. If you manage to beat other players by collecting the most words with a high score, the victory is yours. But for this, you just have to be smart. Attention and the ability to analyze are also required. All this will drag on from the first minutes, like an eddy in a river.

♦ Age: from 6+

♦ Box size: 33.5x28.5x5.5 cm

♦ Complete set: playing field, letters, cubes, tournament table, instructions.

♦ Material: cardboard, wood.

♦ Number of participants: 2-4

Language: Russian.

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Complete set
field, chips - 120 pcs., instructions
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