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Board game Strateg Good evening, we are from Ukraine (30371)

SKU: 30371
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Product description

"Good evening, we are from Ukraine" - a card game in which "Kiev gopniks" and "fearless gypsies" defeat the "Russian warship", "soothing Arestovych" is really calming, and each player can stop the round with a "palianytsia ". Everyone is given face-up cards, which must be quickly memorized and turned over. And then the players lay out one card at a time, trying to lay out one that will be higher in value than the opponents' cards. If the player is successful, he takes all the cards for himself, and to win, you need to collect as many as possible.

Playing "Good evening, we are from Ukraine" Strateg (30371) is very simple and fun, especially if you are a true Ukrainian.

♦ Recommended age of players: from 15 years.

♦ Complete set of the game: a cardboard box measuring 13.5x9x2.2 cm, 49 cardboard cards, paper instructions.

♦ Weight of the game in the box: 100 g (+-20 g).

♦ Number of players: 2-4.

The game is in Ukrainian.

Reviews 3

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Сьогодні придбали, з мамою не можемо відірватися від гри! Дуже цікава гра та дуже зручна упаковка, можна брати з собою в якусь подорож та вбивати час коли потрібно! Дуже круто що вона Українською

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
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Дякую, дуже сподобалася гра

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
Email is mandatory!
The phone must be filled in! You need to enter at least 10 digits!
The text for the answer is mandatory!

Заказал игру на подарок, но мы поиграли в неё в компании и так понравилось, что взяли и себе. Нравится, что это чисто украинский продукт, ещё и за смешные деньги.

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
Email is mandatory!
The phone must be filled in! You need to enter at least 10 digits!
The text for the answer is mandatory!
Complete set
cardboard box size 13.5x9x2.2 cm, 49 cardboard cards, paper instructions
Game time
Number of players
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