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Set for creativity "Mundi sand" (39000)

SKU: 39000
$10 $8
In stock
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Product description

The Mundi sand set (Strateg 39000) will help to combine a fun game with creativity, develop the imagination and artistic abilities of the baby. Kids will have an exciting journey around the globe and get to know the sights of various countries on a 3D playing field. And the most interesting thing is that the child can fashion the wonders of the world and buildings for the game by himself! Buildings can be built from kinetic sand - a 1 kg package of this amazing material is included in the kit. Kinetic sand is an artistic game, creativity and learning at the same time. The plastic mass, consisting of natural sand, bound into one mass with a polymer, allows you to fashion any game fantasy or house and resembles wet sand on the beach. Composition - 98% quartz sand and 2% special binding agent. This substance makes the sand moist to the touch and prevents it from crumbling even after a long time. Sand does not dry out, particles do not stick to the body, can take any shape, antibacterial. There are no limits to creativity - only imagination is needed! There are nine different molds for making building blocks and buildings, from the Colosseum and the Sphinx to the Parthenon and the Great Wall of China. During the game, the child will crush, mold, compress and stretch the sandy mass, developing motor skills and motor skills in addition to imagination. The box in which the set is packaged is a 3D playing field with roads, seas and places to build buildings. The rules of the game are very simple - you need to move around the map and, in accordance with the task, build famous buildings in different countries. For convenience, the set includes an inflatable sandbox.Age: 3+Material: cardboard, sand; Set: sand pack (1 kg), playing field, 9 molds, sandbox; Package size: 30 x 23 x 7 cm.

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ребенок набором доволен, оценил необычные формочки) надувная песочница - супер, это очень удобно!))))

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