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Set for creativity La petite desserts, 23 elements. (71310)

SKU: 71310
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Product description
Does your little one love cakes and sweet treats and enjoy giving them to his friends? The set "La petite desserts" (Strateg 71310) will help the child to create a large number of different types of cakes and sweets. Unusual and attractive products will help to reproduce various molds, including 3D, a confectionery syringe with a nozzle and many items for serving - vases, glasses, spoons. Ready-made snacks can be decorated with various accessories that are included. The manual contains samples of products. You can dream up any kind of delicious treat and fashion it from Bezze's special soufflé cream. The souffle is very plastic, different colors are easily mixed, it does not stain hands and can take any shape. It has bright colors and is absolutely safe. Dough composition: water, wheat flour, salt, preservative, dye, oil, calcium chloride, potassium sorbate. Age: 5+ Material: plastic, modeling mass; Set: modeling mass, molds, cups, decorations, spoons, cookies; Package size: 27 x 24 x 5 cm.
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