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Board game-lotto Strateg "BinGo" (30757) (ukr.)

SKU: 30757
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Product description

"BinGo" (Bingo) is a board lotto game, the motives of which will be recognized even by your parents, and not only them. At the beginning of the game, you are given a card consisting of 25 numbered cells with the word "B I N G O" written above them.

Your goal is to cover 5 cells in a row, and it doesn't matter how it will be, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. At the beginning of the game, you should choose the presenter, because he will name the combinations of letters and numbers that you need to find on your card, if found, cover the corresponding box with a chip. If you managed to cover 5 cells in a row, shout: "Bingo!".

"BinGo" Strateg (30757) is a bit of a gamble, but a very FUN game. Only an attentive player is lucky in it, because if you miss the right number, you will not pick 5 cells in a row.

Recommended age of players: from 5 years.

Package size: 24.6x18.3x5.5 cm

Complete set of the game: 110 cardboard cards, paper instructions.

Weight of the game in the box: 400 g (+-20 g)

Number of players: 2+

The game is in Ukrainian.

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Complete set
120 cardboard chips, 40 cardboard tablets, 76 wooden chips, instructions
Game time
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