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Board game Strateg (ukr) "Duality" 30958

SKU: 30958
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Product description

"Duality" (Duality) – A fun game and a real warm-up for the speed of thinking and reaction. The game can be an excellent entertainment for school-aged children, for example, between classes, on the road, or on a holiday. The main task is to quickly compare the elements on the cards and find similar ones. The game does not stop for a second! And the one who collects the most cards wins. The game "Duality" Strateg (30958) will appeal not only to children but also to adults. After all, a simple and fun activity perfectly trains attentiveness and relaxes the body.

Recommended age of players: from 6 years;

Complete set of the game: a cardboard box measuring 14.2x9.3x2.3 cm, 55 cardboard cards, paper instructions.

Weight of the game in the box: 100 g (+-20 g)

Number of players: 2-8

The game is in Ukrainian.

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Я намагаюся ростити свого сина мужнім і для цього віддала на бокс. А там тренер порадив розвивати реакцію та уважність. Почала шукати ігри і знайшла цю. Дуже сподобалося те, що гра тренує все, що потрібно, ще й в цікавій ігровій формі. Ми з сином і чоловіком граємо кілька разів на тиждень

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
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The phone must be filled in! You need to enter at least 10 digits!
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Complete set
55 cards, instructions
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