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Board game Strateg Imago strategy game in English (30309)

SKU: 30309
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Product description

Think of a strategy, prepare an attack and defeat the enemy these are the tasks that a child must complete in the board game "Imago" Strateg (30309). Each participant chooses one of six types of insects. Each species has unique combat skills and abilities - speed, strength, range. Each player has 5 squads of units of a certain type. Given the specifics of the units, it is necessary to think over a battle strategy to capture the enemy's territories or block his units. According to the rules and abilities of the insects, it is necessary to make moves and conduct tactical battles to complete the strategic task. The most skillful and clever will win.

♦ Age: 10+

♦ Set: 30 cards, 6 chips, 3x3 playing field, instructions.

♦ Number of participants: 2-6

Language: English.

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Complete set
30 cards, 6 chips, playing field (3x3), instructions;
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