"Ellias" is an exciting team game designed specifically for companies. The game features 165 cards with a variety of words, as well as an interesting board with tasks that promise fun and interesting moments.
Players form teams and compete to collect as many cards as possible to win. Each card is a new stage in the game that requires understanding and skill. The task field is designed to enrich the game with variety and fun tasks that test the skills and creativity of the players.
The team that makes the best use of its potential, shows ingenuity and the ability to adapt to different situations wins the game. "Ellias" is an ideal way to unite the team, improve communication and create unique memories of shared experiences.
Package contents: box, game board, playing cards - 165 pcs, chips - 6 pcs, hourglass, instructions.
Weight: 717 g
Dimensions: 33.5x32x4
* - Required fields