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Board Game Strateg Whose dot? entertaining cognitive card game in Ukrainian (30231)

SKU: 30231
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Product description

"Whose dot?" - family game with bright pictures on the cards. The rules are very simple, because the game is designed for children from 4 years. Players receive 6 cards with animals, and cards with patterns mix well and put a deck with back up in the middle of the table. Now players take turns opening cards from this deck and comparing them to the cards in their hands. The first person to hand out the right card with the animal earns a point. And at the end of the game, the player with the most points wins.

This game of attention will be interesting for both children and their parents. A fun gameplay will help you to have fun, while training reaction speed, observation and memory.

♦ Age: 4+

♦ Complete set: 54 cards, instructions.

♦ Number of players: 2-4

The game is in Ukrainian.

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Complete set
cardboard box measuring 9.1x11.5x2.2 cm, 54 cardboard cards, paper instructions
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