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Board game Strateg About.U (30520)

SKU: 30520
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Product description

"About.U" is a game for a company of 3 to 12 players who like interesting facts about each other. The game has 110 cards with different statements that may seem funny to someone and strange to others. The optimal age of players is from 15 years old, because some facts on the cards are really sharp. Each player will have to decide which of the opponents suits this or that fact and give the corresponding cards.
The goal of the game "About.U" Strateg (30520) is to get as few cards as possible.

♦ Recommended age of players: from 16 years.

♦ Complete set of the game: a cardboard box measuring 13.5x9x2.2 cm, 110 cardboard cards, paper instructions.

♦ Weight of the game in the box: 150 g (+-20 g).

♦ Number of players: 3-12.
The game is in Ukrainian.

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Дуже цікава гра, для близьких друзів.

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
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Купили игру, чтобы веселее было в компании. Желательно играть от 4х человек. Очень смешная и весёлая, скучно точно не будет. Идеально для компании, которая уже достаточно давно знакома, с незнакомцами может быть неловко, хотя зависит от самих людей. Но с другой стороны, карточек не так много, быстро запомнятся и вряд ли в неё получится играть годами.

The name is mandatory! You need to enter at least three letters!
Email is mandatory!
The phone must be filled in! You need to enter at least 10 digits!
The text for the answer is mandatory!
Complete set
cardboard box size 13.5x9x2.2 cm, 110 cardboard cards, paper instructions
Number of players
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