The game "Unlike Beasts" reveals to players the unknown world of amazing creatures. Among the images on the cards you will find familiar animals and those who have not seen even in a dream. It's easy to play!
Lay out 9 cards face up and have one of the players lead and guess one of the cards. Now the presenter has to name some of his similar or dissimilar characteristics to some of the other characters on the cards. Other players should consult with each other and discard cards which they consider redundant. After that, the leader calls the characteristic again and the players have to get rid of some cards again. The goal is to throw away all the cards except the one kept in mind by the presenter.
The game "Unlike Beasts" actively promotes the development of imagination and logical thinking, and will be interesting not only for children but also for adults.
♦ Age: 6+
♦ Complete set: 55 cards, instructions.
♦ Number of players: from 2.
The gam.e is in Ukrainian.
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